SCOTUS agreed Monday night December 7th to hear a case initiated by the Honorable Paxton of Texas involving 17 Republican attorneys general in TX, LA, FL, AR, KY, AL, MS, SC, SD, etc. and 106 House Republicans rightly claiming that the election outcomes in swing-states Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were in violation against duly-established-by-State-legislatures federally-standardized Election protocol and procedures . . . treasonously, deceptively, dishonestly, and illegally changed by non-anticipated-surprise-attack alteration-unauthorized secretaries of state, governors, partisan election supervisors and ballot counters, when it became obvious that Trump was getting majority amounts of valid ballots within those contested States on November 3rd, and plaintiffs are asking SCOTUS to thus bypass State certifications and order State legislatures to appoint their own electors. Either that or 12th-Amendment-authorized Pence does a keep-or-discard elector-votes Contingent Election.
Invalid ballots of dead people, unsigned ballots, out-of-State-person ballots, ballots of felons and underaged, photocopied ballots, ballots filled in by others, Dominion-software switched-vote-ballot tallies, multiply-rescanned ballots, discarding valid ballots, back-dating ballots obviously do not and should not count as to totals for either Trump or Biden, nor down-ballot candidates, and no claim of "voter suppression" applies concerning those.
"American voters" did not vote for Biden. ONLY CERTAIN american voters voted for Biden. To state, with tricky lawyer talk, that "Americans voted for Biden" realistically and logically implies that ALL Americans voted for Biden, and anyone who says that is guilty of Fraudulent Misrepresentation and can be sued, even with a class-action suit.
One must not assume one is required to take the fraudulent baseless claim of "Americans voted for Biden" to -- with non-spoken/non-written automatic "read between the lines" presumption -- thus deny the obvious fact that many Americans did NOT vote for Biden . . . and THEY were "Americans" ALSO!
It is reminiscent of the Serpent asking Eve in the Garden, "DID GOD say that you must not eat of ANY tree in the Garden? Deceptively and dishonestly overbroad lying insinuation, indeed! Xplore
The same misleading wording applies to miscalling the virgin-conceiving/birthing mother Mary of the Son of MAN (Jesus) - in contrast to the Son of GOD's conception-Father (also Jesus) - "Mary, the Mother of GOD" -- wrongly implying realistically that supposedly-Divine/completely-sinless, "Savior"-confessing Mary conceived and birthed the TRINITY (of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), Whom she obviously did NOT.
The Texas SCOTUS case, which turncoat wimp TX Sen Cornhead and Sen Sassy do not support, nor the despicable PA AG kike and other anti-American AG traitors and the Hell-destined ilk conspiring under lying, cowardly, subversive, and accursed CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc., involves federal consistency of all States pertaining to federal presidential elections. Everyone has to be on the same page on the same date doing the same previously-legislatively-determined thing.
It is unconstitutional to let non-authorized officials of one State all of a sudden tell drivers to drive on the left side of the highways and go forward at red stoplights, while non-authorized officials of the next or neighboring State declare the exact opposite.
And initial temporary non-responsive silence or inaction of objectors is not equivalent to them supposedly accepting as valid or approving last-minute-changed suddenly-committed illegalities of deceptive and dishonest illegal-balloting-shenanigan cheaters. Simply because cops do not show up for up to a minute after 911 is called does not mean they are silent or approving of criminal action being called about.
To purport that Texas has no legal standing to interfere with previously-established-by-State-legislature pre-federal-Election protocols (the Presidency is a federal-candidate not state-candidate election) and Election procedures of other States is like stating that a common citizen has no legal standing to make a Citizen's Arrest against someone or a group (other than himself, of course) who he sees is or was in the process of committing a life-endangering murder or rape felony. It matters not what concocted procedures and protocol the pre-meditated or non-premeditated (i.e. previously-planned or spur-of-the-moment) murderer or rapist is using or used while committing the criminal action. The lives of others are or were in immediate-emergency serious jeopardy.