If the Supreme Court sides with Trump and his allies in Texas v. Pennsylvania, what happens next?
Satanic news networks are trying to convince us that there is absolutely no way that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of President Trump and his allies in Texas v. Pennsylvania, but what if they are wrong?
The case is on the docket, and the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin filed their responses by three p.m. Thursday.
The High Court understands the urgency of this matter, and seem determined to move things along very quickly. One way or the other, we should find out what they are thinking fairly soon.
Eighteen other states have joined with Texas in arguing that certification results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin cannot be allowed to stand.
Trump’s massive Georgia lawsuit Includes 66,000 Underage Voters, 2500 Felons And 45K+ Illegals.
As more experts and analysts honestly and calmly examine facts, the more they conclude that Paxton's legal claims are right on target.
Most everyone agrees that non-authorized officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin changed election rules without consulting their legislatures.
But the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution gives State legislatures the capacity to determine how electors will be selected.
The ad-hoc rule alterations, abrogations, and violations that pro-Biden officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin imposed were unconstitutional, and they had corruptive and distuptive material affect on Election outcome in each of those States.
Practically everyone agrees that voters and ballots were treated quite differently in left-leaning portions of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin than they were in right-learning portions of those States.
Those were textbook violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Supreme Court would have to be completely blind to not see that.
If the Supreme Court is faithful to the U.S. Constitution, the voting results in all four states will have to be thrown out.
But what happens then?
Well, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is asking the Court to declare that all electoral votes from those four states should not be designated as certified.
In the suit, Paxton asks the high court to “declare that any electoral college votes cast by such cheating-officials-designated presidential electors appointed in Defendant States Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin are in violation agsinst the Electors Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and cannot be counted as stated.”
The Court might not do that, because that would disenfranchise all of the legal-voter ballots in all those states.
Alternatively, the Court could choose to direct governors-called state legislatures in each of those four states to choose their own slates of Electors, but the Court might not do that either.
The most likely remedy would be new paper-ballot set-date elections. That could be problematic as well, because non-expedited results of those elections might not be known before the electoral votes are supposed to be counted in Washington on January 6th.
But even though new elections would be a chaotic resolution, that it is the best of the choices.
If current election results are overturned by the Supreme Court and President Trump ultimately ends up winning, it will set off the biggest temper tantrum in all of U.S. history.
We have already seen widespread rioting, looting, arson and violence in our major cities all throughout 2020, and we have continued to see more lawless uncivil unrest, of the type prophesied in New-Testament Scripture.
If Trump ends up getting a second term after everything that has already transpired, we might experience an explosion of anger that could be off the charts, as insurrectionists freeze with frostbite encumbered within frigid winter snowstorms.
The potential for violence, not thwarted by nationalized Guard and Pentagon-directed military enforcing Marshal Law, weighs heavily on the minds of members of the Supreme Court as they consider the merits of Texas v. Pennsylvania.
Members of the Supreme Court are humans also. If they, among many adamant others, are responsible for Biden losing the election, there is a possibility that radicals will attempt to attack them, their families and their homes, even to the point of retaliatory weapons combat.
Hopefully, there will be at least five justices who will be courageous enough to do what is right for the country and the constitutionally-referred-to-Creator Jesus Christ no matter what the short-term consequences are.
As indecently-hairstyled-female-mopheads-imposing Sean Hannity recently explained, we have reached a critical moment in our history and the American people deserve law-obedient answers and solutions.
No matter what happens, it is likely that divisions in this country are going to get deeper, eventually leading to the apocalytic Man-of-Lawlessness and Beast/False-Prophet global-antichrists scenarios alluded to in Second Thessalonians chapter 2 and Revelation chapters 13 through 20 in the Holy Bible.
Refer to http://holybibleparty.tripod.com/nokamala
and https://snapsideways.tripod.com/scotus4trump
and http://endtimeprophecy.faithweb.com